
The Capture

The Capture

1.    15 Feb 2015    Nikon D3s    iso 6400    175mm    f4.0    1/90sec    Nikon 70-200mm f4

The Capture

2.    15 Feb 2015    Nikon D3s    iso6400    165mm    f4.0    1/90sec    Nikon 70-200mm f4.0

16 March 2015

I was one of the volunteer photographers photographing the Chinese New Year event in Wellington this year.

One of the advantages of being an official photographer is that you can go behind the scenes and capture the atmosphere and activites behind stage. This is where photographically, most of the interesting images lie.

Please click on the  blog  to see some dressing room shots.

Please Click on  Special Projects  to see my favourite images from a photographers point of view

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