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Ed Zuccollo

Ed Zuccollo

I saw Eds photos on his website. I was impressed with his images considering he is recently into photography.

I always admire the view when driving along the Rimultakas but never get out. Thats the difference between old and jaded , as opposed to young and enthusiatic (and wet-I saw rainspots on his lens!).

Naturally I couldn’t keep my itchy fingers off his file to do a bit of post processing. Ed called this “Rimutaka Rain (colour wash)”. I’m afraid I took all his colour out! He hasn’t seen this yet. Will await his comments…………

2 replies on “Ed Zuccollo”

I like the B&W Chris! I see you’ve darkened the edges a lot more than I did – I liked the brilliance of the jagged cloud on the top but what you’ve achieved with just highlighting the sun ray through the rain is I think focus the attention a bit more on the main event. That rain texture is beautifully intricate. I think I’m going to have another go at developing it..

wow love how the rain looks like a softly shaken white veil.I often stop to have a look but havnt caught it as dramaticly as this and Chris i like the treatment

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