
Bogged down in Boggy Pond, the Journey begins….

22 June 2015

The last place to truly inspire me was Yellow Mountain in China.  Who would have thought a small bit of swamp 90min drive from home could inspire me so much. Maybe my standards are dropping…..   but I will let you be the judge in the following pages.

Check out my Home page, blogand Special Projects for my swampy marsh  adventure.

Bogged down in Boggy Pond, the Journey begins....

1.    3 May 2015    D800    iso200    200mm    f5.6    1/40sec

Bogged down in Boggy Pond, the Journey begins....

2.    31 May 2015    D800    iso200    200mm    f/11    1/500sec

Bogged down in Boggy Pond, the Journey begins....

3.    23 May 2015    D800    iso200    14mm    f/7.1    1/250sec

Bogged down in Boggy Pond, the Journey begins....

4.    23 May2015    D3s    iso1600    34mm    f/2.8    1/125sec  

12 replies on “Bogged down in Boggy Pond, the Journey begins….”

well chris i believe you have done well to capture this interesting area,the images are great and i am sure you have not finished with boggy pond.

Thats right Brent. We still got the early morning haze lifting off the water shots to get, and wait till summer when we can wade out to the middle of the pond as it becomes shallower.

Thanks Richard there ain’t no more! Until the next visit…..
ps did you go to the special projects page?

Nice boggy pond pics, love them. Should include a like button on your website like the one Facebook.

Chris, I have simply scrolled down your home page and have seen many photos that have wanted to comment on but thought perhaps just to wait and discuss in person but I cant ignore this photo (#4 from 23 May 2015). You really feel the connection between ‘a man and his best friend’. Its almost as if “we’re isolated but we have each other’. I just love it. It really makes me yearn for that dog I’ve always wanted. Once the kids are grown, and the house we live in is bigger, than maybe I can get that dog and have a connection like the two topics in your photograph clearly have!

Thanks Jayden. Yes I do like the image a lot- thats why it gets to be on the “Home” page. Check out the “Blog” and “Special Projects” as well.
I have just bought a DVD from Real Groovy in Auckland called “The Wonder of Dogs”. SBS production. It is very interesting and I’m sure my Dog loving patients would enjoy it immensely.
You are welcome to borrow it.

Hi Chris, I met you at Prime practice today and out of curiosity looked at your website and found the link here to your photographs. I love photography. Your photos are amazing. Have you done any formal training or are you self taught? You really have some special shots here. Beautiful light, subjects and moments.

Hi Beth, thanks for your lovely words. I am largely self taught and have been doing photography for 48 years!

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